
A Definitive Guide on Plastic CNC Machining

CNC machining is a great way to make plastic parts. It lets you quickly create many identical pieces with very precise measurements.

plastic CNC machining

When we talk about plastic CNC machining, we’re talking about a method – a very effective method that takes away desired material instead of adding it. Imagine it like starting with a big block of plastic. Next, a cutting tool revolves around this block and prudently chips off a little portion of the plastic until you have the desired form. CAD software then enables one to design the part they want to make and create a three-dimensional model of it. After that, CAM software instructs the cutting tool where to go and what to cut.

The cutting tool follows a specific path based on the computer design. As it moves, it shapes the plastic block into the final product. This whole process lets the manufacturers make complex 3D objects out of plastic with great accuracy.

Advantages of Plastic CNC Machining

Benefits of Plastic CNC machining

CNC machining uses computer-controlled tools to cut and shape plastic parts. This method offers several advantages –

Speed – The process is quick and efficient and it allows for fast production.

High precision –  Plastic CNC machining is actually great for making parts that need to be very accurate. It can work with very small measurements, which is important for industries that need precise parts. CNC machines can make plastic pieces with very little variation between them.

Cost-effective – Unlike some other methods like injection molding, the plastic CNC machining process does not need molds. This often makes it affordable to make parts this way.

Works with many plastics – While most manufacturing methods can use different materials, plastic CNC machining works well with a wide range of plastics. It can even handle tougher plastics without many problems.

Complex shapes – CNC machining can create complicated shapes that might be hard or impossible to make using other methods. Since in this process, a computer guides the cutting tools, it can make parts with a high level of detail and accuracy.

Fast prototypes – If you need a prototype made quickly, plastic CNC machining is a good choice. Because, here you don’t need to create a mold first, which saves time. This means you can get your prototype faster than with some other methods. It can produce large numbers of identical pieces, which is perfect for mass production.

Resisting corrosion and chemicals – Plastic parts made by CNC machining have an advantage over metal parts here. They don’t rust like metal parts do after long use. And, this makes them more long-lasting in some ways.

Types of Plastic Materials for CNC Machining

The way plastic behaves during machining depends on its properties. These include how hard it is, how strong it is, how well it resists creep, how it reacts to solvents, how much water it absorbs and also its mechanical traits. Some common plastics used in machining are:

  • ABS plastics
  • Teflon
  • Delrin
  • Nylon
  • PTFE
  • Acrylic
  • HDPE
  • G10
  • Phenolic Laminates
  • Polycarbonate

ABS is a popular all-around plastic. It’s strong, hard, resists electricity and doesn’t cost much. You can easily paint it, glue it or weld pieces together, which makes finishing projects simple. ABS can look a bit shiny when machined but usually has a matte finish. 

These plastic materials have some great features. They’re light, they insulate well, they don’t rust and you can use them for many different things.

Bottom Line

If you’re looking for a reliable company to handle your plastic CNC machining needs, consider giving Createproto Rapid System Limited a try.

We have the ability and expertise to handle different types of plastics, which makes us unique in the sense that we are able to fit different projects. Our specialization includes such widely used plastics as ABS, PP, PE and PVC; and specialized materials like PS, PC, PU, Nylon, POM, PMMA, PTFE, EP and other.

One of our strong points is precision. Our CNC machines can achieve tolerances as tight as 0.01mm so we can ensure your parts meet exact specifications. We are also well-positioned to tackle various projects because we are capable of handling parts as large as 200 x 80 x 100 cm.

We ensure that we finish most of your orders in less than 10 days because we understand how important it is to meet project deadlines.

Visit our website to discover more! Or, get a quick quote now!

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