
How Is Low Volume Manufacturing Profitable for Your Business?

With the advancements in technology, product designs have experienced a revolutionary and fundamental change to a great extent. Recently, the demand for products with shorter lifespans is high, and so is its period in the market. That’s why custom machining service providers turn to low volume manufacturing from mass production.

If you wonder how it benefits your business, let us unfold the secret.

Advantages of Low Volume Prototyping in Your Business

Picture this: You have launched the first version of any product or changed the previous version of one of the items you sell. In that case, it’s always wise to manufacture small batches to ensure its sales and demands in the market. And here is where prototyping and low volume production come in.

Is low volume manufacturing profitable

Low volume manufacturing includes from 50 to 100,000 part production, connecting full-volume production and one-off prototyping. And your business will be profitable from this service amazingly. See here how:

#1: Saves You Dollars-

Generally, most companies think that the production costs will go down if the volumes go up. But in this case, you may have to spend more on custom prototyping and metal fabrication to mass-produce custom machining parts without compromising quality.

But instead of this large-scale production, you can go for low volume prototyping of up to 100,000 high-quality parts without making such a huge investment. In this case, you don’t have to spend on expensive prototyping. So, no wonder it will be an economical option for you.

#2: Faster time to market-

As mentioned earlier, technological advancement has changed product designs, and this change is increasing over time, and so is its constant demand for innovation. That’s why it has become real pressure to create unique product designs or modify the current versions quickly to distribute faster in the market.

And while launching any product for the first time in the market, success and failure are unpredictable. Yet, low volume production is the best way to create sellable volume products without having an unsustainable inventory burden. Moreover, you can have a faster way to the market since the lead times of supply chain optimization for low volumes are short here, like a few days or months.

#3: Design flexibility-

During the manufacturing phase, you may find that some parts of your product design require modification. In that case, asking your product manufacturer to make changes impacts the entire order less with a low volume manufacturing process.

#4: A better alternative for bridge production-

While looking to scale up to full-scale manufacturing eventually, low volume production is the ideal way to do so. You can create a bridge between your prototyping and volume, which you can progressively increase as required. Moreover, there is an opportunity to streamline your best practices while developing your product quality and saving on further costs.

Bottom Line

Low volume manufacturing brings value to customers with this production technique. With low volume custom metal fabrication, the products will have shorter life cycles, making them more demanding in the market.

At Createproto Rapid System Limited, we offer low volume manufacturing for custom metal production that reduces time and costs compared to traditional manufacturing processes.

Call us now to get a customized quote in just 7 hours!