
Several Factors Affecting the Cost of CNC Machining Parts

There are many CNC processing manufacturers have been seeking ways to control processing costs as much as possible. Many users have also found that the quotations given by different companies for the same product are very different. What is the main reason?

How can we better control the cost of CNC processing, regardless of the scale of the factory, the location of the factory and many other factors?

Qile Industry has been committed to CNC machining for 15 years. Next, I will share with you which factors will affect the cost of CNC machining. Let’s find out together.


1. Demand for precision processing equipment

Different production equipment, the price is definitely not the same, resulting in differences in working hours. To give a simple example, the price difference between 200,000 equipment and 2 million processing equipment will definitely be huge.

Using a variety of equipment to complete a product, and using one device to use multiple functions to complete a product, because the processing functions of the equipment are different, the price will also be different.

For example, the cost of using a lathe and a CNC milling machine to process parts with a precision turning and milling machine is definitely higher than the cost of an economical turning and milling machine tool, but if the lathe and milling machine are small brands or older models, the opposite is true.
There are also some relatively large-scale companies that require high-precision testing equipment to assist because of the high requirements of customers’ products, which also increases the cost of equipment use invisibly.

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2. Size and shape of parts

For precision parts with large volume and complex shape, more materials are required, and the waste generated by processing will also increase, and the cost will also increase.

Some users have special requirements for the finish of the product, and the cost will also increase.

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3.Surface Finishing

Many users’ products require different post-processing processes due to different application fields, such as oxidation, oil injection, heat treatment, etc. These processes are also a factor that increases product costs.

Therefore, when designing a product, engineers must conduct a sufficiently comprehensive evaluation of the product and measure the cost performance.

To sum up, if you need to control costs, choosing the appropriate precision processing technology and equipment, materials, post-processing, etc. is the best way to effectively control costs.